For longer than I care to admit I've been wanting to read the Bible in chronological order but I always get distracted when working from a list. Chronological Guide to the Bible offers a very easy way to get engaged with the history, time period, customs, geology, laws, and civilizations that existed during the Biblical time periods. Divided into nine epochs, each period is examined while providing a chronological reading guide. I also think that the authors listened to reader feedback from their Chronological Study Bible and introduced this for people who have a strong preference for one Bible translation over another. This can be used with any translation.
The authors also offer records from non-Biblical sources that either support, add to, or offer a different perspective from the Bible. Combined with Nelson's Complete Book of BIble Maps and Charts, 3rd Edition and a Bible almanac, I'm really getting so much more out of the Bible than in the past.
I received this book from BookSneeze for review.