Buried Alive: The True Story of Kidnapping, Captivity, and a Dramatic Rescue by Roy Hallums is the authors true story of his captivity, torture, and ultimate rescie from a concrete pit in Iraq. He was being held on a $12 million dollar ransom, despite the United States' position of not paying ransoms. Finally, after 311 days he was rescued by the United States military.
As a former Navy Commander, Roy Hallums never gave up on being rescued. His hope turned into reality in September of 2005.
Although the book does not have a strong focus on faith, I am grateful that he wrote this book so readers can understand and pray for those in captivity. I found the book to be a very engaging fast read. I could barely put it down.
Readers looking for an introspective look at captivity from a captives point of view won't find it here, but the author does an amazing job of keeping the story moving along and providing detailed descriptions of his experiences. Although I don't like the glamourization of war, I actually feel this would make an excellent movie.
Included are several photos thoughout the book that provide invaluable insights into his living conditions.
I received a review copy of this book from booksneeze.com.